6 Years already and i still can't get it out ouf my mind. The first years was because of the shock, the years after because of the rage. Not rage against muslims or Bin Laden, but rage against the US government who killed, lied to and used us just to have more money and more power!
To all of you who still think that four guys and a cutter managed this coup d'état against the world and the american people, please wake up and smell the coffee! How much more evidence do you need to start reacting! Go to http://www.loosechange911.com and see for yourselves (a number of other sites and documentaries cover the subject) Don't let anybody else think for you! Don't take my word, check it out, make your own opinion based on cold hard facts. And once you start to look in deeper, you will see that there is no way that the events that took place that day match up to the official story. Think about who reaps the benifits of this situations, think about why more than who and how. And once you know why, the who and the how will fall in place.
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